
I would of searched the infinite, every crook and cranny of the galaxy, for your love. I would of dismantle the royalty of the 7 princes of the underworld, for your love. I would of drank the blood out of the skulls of your enemies, for your love. I would of ripped heaven and hell and lay them down asunder, for your love. I would of laid the whole multiverse in to the palm of your hand, for your love. I would of cast my soul into the dark void of the abyss, for your love. I would of given you the stars and planets stringed up as a necklace a gift to you my Goddess, for your love. I would of plague humanity for generation to generation to eternity to forever, for your love. I would of shattered this world into dust and recreated it into your Pure and holy image, for your love. But as I gaze into your bright green eyes, brighter than any star, Greener than any Medo, Greener than any life that is in every Forrest, I know I will never ever, have your love.