Hitting Bottom

In the depths where light is forgotten, Where joy seems forever rotten, There lies a place, the bottom so deep, Where silent sorrows seep. A fall so hard, a fall so steep, In the heart, wounds cut so deep. Yet in this abyss, so barren and hollow, Lies the path to rise, the path to follow. For the bottom is but a foundation strong, A place to realize where you belong. In the darkness, the stars shine bright, In the struggle, we find our might. Hitting bottom, though it may seem, Is not the end, but a chance to dream. For every fall, every sorrow-filled night, Brings the dawn, brings the light. So fear not the bottom, the depth, the fall, For it's a chance to rise, to stand tall. In the heart of despair, understand this truth, The bottom is but a step, in life's booth.